Professor Thomas Rossi Awarded Virgil Crisafulli Distinguished Teaching Award

From left, Thomas Rossi and Utica College Provost Todd Pfannestiel
Rossi Recognized for Passionate, Effective Teaching
Thomas Rossi, professor of management at Utica College, was awarded the coveted Virgil Crisafulli Distinguished Teaching Award at the college’s undergraduate Commencement ceremony recently.
Instituted in 1974 through a gift from a friend of the college, the Crisafulli award is considered Utica College’s finest tribute to a faculty member. Today, the Crisafulli Fund for the Faculty underwrites the award, which has been given to a number of faculty members, including Professor Crisafulli. Rossi was chosen through nominations made by colleagues and students, before a selection committee makes its choice on the basis of demonstrated teaching excellence over a period of at least five years.
Rossi was hired by the late Professor Emeritus Ray Simon in 1979. He has served as the faculty advisor to UC's Student Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management since he joined UC, and has long served as the faculty advisor to the men's baseball and football teams. The coordinator of business internships, he has served on the AAUP-UC's governing board and hearing committee, as a diversity advocate, and a member of the provost's task force on hiring practices. He has held the designation of professional of human resources management since 1987 and is a member of regionally-based Mohawk Valley Society of Human Resource Management. His true love of learning led him to earn his doctorate from Northcentral University in 2015, which he said made him a better teacher, researcher and person.
Described as passionate and effective, Rossi shares stories in the classroom that directly relate to personal, real-world experiences, and effective practice that students notice and appreciate.
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